Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Virtual Work From Home Jobs May Be The Wave Of The Future

There are many terms that have been used to identify a desire in the heart of many American workers. We have heard the term "work from home", "telecommuting", "home based employment" and many others. The newest phrase is "virtual work" and it identifies how modern workers would like to do their jobs from home.
An organization called FlexJob recently did a survey and their findings were startling. They found that an increasingly large portion of the American work force wants to have flexibility in their job and that flexibility extends to the option of working at home. Here is a sampling of what they found.

FlexJob's survey shows that 82 percent of employees seeking to work virtually have a college degree, with 35 percent of those holding a graduate degree. The majority are females, aged 30 to 49 years old. More than half are at an "experienced" career level, while 26 percent are managers and 9 percent are executives.

 The survey made one thing clear: for employees who have children, family was the No. 1 priority. Ninety-six percent of those surveyed felt that having a traditional full-time job conflicts at least a little bit with taking care of a family. They feel, it seems, that they're often being asked to choose between the two—work or family—and that the decision is unfair

There is an undeniable movement away from brick and mortar businesses and toward virtual "work at home" models. So powerful is this movement that FlexJob found that 93% of those surveyed would even be willing to take a pay cut in order to avoid a commute and be with their children. In fact, 43% said they would love to work 20 to 29 hours and 32% said they would be happy working 30 to 39 hours! It seems to me that this virtual environment would help companies save money and it would help Americans to save their families. .
It is the goal of this site to provide some ideas for virtual work and second incomes. Previously, I had written about opportunities with Elance .  I would encourage you to check out this excellent resource. I would also like to introduce you to a resource that assists anyone who would like to become a virtual work assistant 
The old work paradigm of driving to a distant brick and mortar location is fading. The technology explosion is opening all kinds of new avenues to make a living in the confines of your home. I wish you the best as you seek to find more flexibility in your work environment and add needed income to your household budget!.

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